Showing all 10 results


Cotton Cake

KSh 3,150.00
Cotton cake has been recorded to improve the health of animals as well as reproduction. used as a protein supplement since forages, grains and even hay can fall short of the required rations. an overdose places animals at risk of diseases. Weight 50Kg

Cotton Meal

KSh 3,250.00
Cottonseed meal is the by-product of oil extraction from cotton seeds. As a protein-rich feed, cottonseed meal is a common source of protein for ruminants,

Dicalcium Phosphate (DCP)

KSh 2,500.00
DCP is a livestock dietary supplement used to combat Calcium and/or Phosphorous related deficiencies in all livestock Premium feed additive widely used in the livestock, poultry, and aquaculture industries. Weight 25kg

Maize Bran

KSh 1,800.00
It’s a byproduct of the outer shell of the maize grain Include Minerals such as Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, zinc and iron Weight 50kg

Maize Germ

KSh 2,100.00
Maize germ is a by-product from either the wet milling of maize, produced after the initial grinding and separation, or from the production of corn. it’s the ground embryo of maize Quite high in starch, energy and protein with good amino acid balance Weight 50kg

Sunflower Cake

KSh 2,700.00
It is a by-product of hot-pressing sunflower seeds to extract oil, used as a high-energy high-protein animal feed. Weight 50kg

Wheat Bran

KSh 1,480.00KSh 1,500.00
It’s a byproduct obtained from milling of wheat grain into wheat flour Contains fiber and other nutrients Suitable for livestock feeding e.g. cattle, pigs, poultry

Wheat Pollard

KSh 2,350.00
It’s a by-product obtained in the process of milling wheat grain High in dietary fibers Good source of protein, calcium, phosphorus and lysine. Not recommended for young stock due to high fiber content Weight 50Kg
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